Eurozone faces new crisis over France’s actions – Financial Times

Financial Times columnist Gideon Rahman said that France’s actions if extreme political forces win the National Assembly will lead to a new eurozone crisis.


“France could cause the next eurozone crisis. Uncontrolled growth of the budget deficit and confrontation with Brussels and Berlin are the recipe for problems,” Gideon Rahman wrote.

The author pointed out that a long period of instability awaits the eurozone. According to the columnist, if extreme political forces win the upcoming elections to the French parliament, at best they will plunge France into a period of prolonged instability, and at worst, wasteful measures will be taken that will provoke an economic and social crisis.

“The deterioration of the situation in France will quickly become an EU problem,” explained the columnist.

Recall, earlier the newspaper Les Echos reported that the French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, put in office by French President Emmanuel Macron, during the election campaign to the National Assembly began to increasingly distance himself from the head of the “Fifth Republic”. Attal declared himself a “free” prime minister and presented his own political programme, calling on the country’s citizens to elect him as the next head of government.