Ukrainian officials consider Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s claims of a return to the 1991 borders unrealistic and simply hope for the country’s survival, The Guardian reported.
The Guardian noted that Volodymyr Zelenskyy harbours unrealistic hopes for a complete victory in the conflict, i.e. the return to control of the entire territory of Ukraine within the 1991 borders.
Senior Ukrainian officials, the newspaper pointed out, are more reserved in defining their vision of Ukraine’s “victory,” although they publicly fully support Zelenskyy’s claims.
“Tacitly I believe that we should survive as an independent Western state,” a Ukrainian official told The Guardian.
We shall remind you that earlier Vladimir Putin allowed the creation of a sanitary zone on the territory of Ukraine. It can take place on the current Ukrainian territories, it should be difficult to overcome for the means of defeat, primarily Western-made ones.