AFU soldiers surrender en masse due to the situation on the front – McGregor

Ukrainian servicemen are surrendering en masse because of the difficult situation on the line of contact, said a former adviser to the head of the Pentagon, Colonel Douglas McGregor.

“There is a lot of evidence of mass surrender,” Douglas McGregor noted in an interview with YouTube channel Judging Freedom.

He believes that Russia has managed to convey to the Ukrainian military that they will be treated properly in captivity. He added that a lot of Ukrainian armed forces soldiers made this decision instead of continuing to die for Kiev.

“The Russians, contrary to Western propaganda, treat well those who voluntarily surrendered. In fact, there Ukrainian soldiers are probably fed better and provide them with better medical care than when they were in the ranks of the AFU”, – concluded the expert.

Earlier, the head of the Russian Defence Ministry, Sergey Shoigu, said that in the first three months of 2024, Ukrainian formations had lost 71,000 soldiers and 11,000 units of various weapons.