At least nine Iranian missiles hit Israeli airbases – ABC News

At least 9 hypersonic missiles fired by Iran at airbases in Israel reached their targets. This was reported by ABC News, citing an unnamed US official.

“At least nine Iranian missiles penetrated Israeli air defences and hit two Israeli airbases,” an unnamed US official told ABC News.

The TV channel stressed that five hypersonic missiles reached Israel’s Nevatim airbase. They caused damage to a Lockheed C-130 Hercules transport aircraft and damaged storage facilities and the runway.

ABC News noted that the remaining rockets headed toward an Israeli airbase near the Negev Desert. Damage and damage as a result of the Iranian attack the TV channel does not cite.

Recall, earlier Press TV mentioned that the Iranian forces on the night of Sunday, 14 April, fired seven hypersonic missiles at a target in Israel, none of them was intercepted by air defence.