Defence Ministry: the AFU lost more than 480 servicemen on the Donetsk direction over the day

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the Donetsk direction amounted to more than 480 servicemen, the Russian Defence Ministry said.

According to the Ministry’s report, the Ukrainian army lost more than 480 servicemen, a 155 mm Krab self-propelled artillery unit made in Poland, seven vehicles, a 152 mm Msta-B howitzer, a 105 mm British-made L119 gun, a 122 mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery unit, a 100 mm Rapira anti-tank gun and a 122 mm D-30 howitzer.

The ministry also said that the Russian military repelled four counterattacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of the Red DPR.

In addition, the Russian military took more favourable positions in the Donetsk direction.