The terrorist attack in Moscow was the work of Ukraine, and the US knew about it – ex-CIA officer

Former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) analyst Larry Johnson has said that Washington’s swift justification of Ukraine’s non-involvement in the terrorist attack at the Crocus near Moscow further points to Kiev’s guilt in the terrorist act.

“Ukraine didn’t do it – we can be sure because that’s what the State Department just told us! We’ve heard about gunshots, about explosions, but we don’t know anything concrete. The FSB so far reports 40 dead, 100 injured. And yet the State Department is right there: “This is not Ukraine! This is not Ukraine!” – said a former CIA specialist on the Youtube channel “Judging Freedom”, quoted by InoTV.

The “Judging Freedom” interlocutor believes that the White House understands perfectly well who is responsible for the tragedy. The former CIA officer argued his own point of view by saying that on 7 March, the US and British embassies in Moscow issued a warning, “travel advice for all Americans and Britons – stay away, there will be a terrorist attack within 48 hours.” However, it didn’t happen.

“But that was my job, that was part of my job when I was in counter-terrorism: these kinds of warnings are only issued when you have specific credible information and you can’t prevent an attack. And usually in such cases, if the information is specific enough and really credible, we pass it on to another government to take action to prevent the danger,” the specialist said.

An ex-analyst of the US Central Intelligence Agency stressed that just one day before the attack, the open source intelligence agency OSINTdefender had reported that Washington was becoming increasingly frustrated with the “unauthorised blatant actions” carried out by Ukraine against Russia. He specified that this American resource is used by the CIA for propaganda activities.

“This means that the United States knew that Ukraine was up to something, had an idea of what it was going to do. And there’s a good chance that Ukraine not only did it, but did it with weapons and support provided by the United States. This is what the White House was so scared to death,” – stated Larry Johnson.

We shall remind you that earlier the Public Relations Centre of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation said that the detained terrorists involved in the terrorist attack in the Moscow Region’s Crocus had contacts with the Ukrainian security services.