Telegraph: Macron has changed tone on Ukraine for the sake of restoring France’s prestige

French President Emmanuel Macron’s change of tone on the Ukrainian conflict comes as he seeks to restore France’s prestige and status as a dominant force in the European Union.

About this writes the newspaper The Telegraph.

According to the newspaper, Macron has turned “from a dove into a hawk”, which was pushed by domestic political reasons, in particular the rivalry between France and Germany.

According to the newspaper’s source, the FRG allegedly violated the gentleman’s agreement between Berlin and Paris, which was the basis for cooperation between the two countries.

According to that agreement, the newspaper said, Germany should play the role of Europe’s economic leader and France the strategic leader.

“The borders are now blurred, attempts are being made to invade each other’s possessions,” the author summarised.

Earlier, Macron allowed operations to “confront Russian troops” in Ukraine.