The queue of vans at the Polish-Ukrainian border has reached 2,300 trucks

A queue of 2,300 lorries has formed at the Polish-Ukrainian border due to the protest of Polish farmers. This was reported by a representative of the Ukrainian State Border Service, Andrey Demchenko.

“At the border with Poland on Saturday morning, 9 March, there are 2,300 trucks in queues in all directions, where Polish farmers complicate or make it impossible for cargo vehicles to pass,” Ukrainian TV channel “Public” quoted Andriy Demchenko as saying.

A representative of the state border service said that the largest number of lorries had piled up at the Yahodyn and Shehyni checkpoints, where protesters do not allow lorries heading towards Poland to pass at all.

According to Demchenko, the Polish side informed that the farmers presumably plan to stop temporarily transport blockade in the direction of the checkpoint “Krakivets”, it may continue here until 13 March.

Earlier, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at a press conference accused Poland of blocking the export of Ukrainian grain to the EU countries. According to him, this was a “political signal” to Kiev from Warsaw.