Kosachev called US sanctions against 13 organizations cynicism

Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs Konstantin Kosachev called the absolute cynicism the imposition of sanctions against 13 companies and individuals from Russia, China, Iraq and Turkey.

The United States on Tuesday imposed sanctions on 13 organizations and individuals in the PRC, Iraq, Russia, and Turkey in accordance with the law on non-proliferation in Iran, North Korea, and Syria.

The decision was made in accordance with the US law on non-proliferation against Iran, North Korea and Syria, which provides for a ban on the transfer to these countries of technologies that contribute to the creation of nuclear, chemical, bacteriological weapons, as well as their delivery vehicles.

“The absolute cynicism of these measures is not so much that Washington again extends its internal laws to foreigners, but, as you know, in this case it “punishes” the state, which itself unilaterally withdrew from the most important deal on the Iranian nuclear program”, – posted by Kosachev on a Facebook page.

“Shining City on the Hill” finally decided to leave the framework of international agreements and simply tell the world which next acts they will take this time and which of the non-US citizens will be punished for their violation”, – he added.