Nebenzya: US and its allies are being drawn deeper and deeper into the conflict in Ukraine

Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vassily Nebenzya, has said that the US authorities as well as their satellites are being drawn deeper and deeper into the conflict in Ukraine.

He made the corresponding statement at a meeting of the UN Security Council.

“Given the total unwillingness of Ukrainians to fight and die for Western geopolitical interests, the United States and its allies are forced to be drawn deeper and deeper into the conflict, sending not only mercenaries but also instructors to this country,” TASS quoted him as saying.

Nebenzya stressed that this leads to a proliferation of obituaries in Western countries of high-ranking military officers who “disappeared during a walk in the mountains or died suddenly of a heart attack.”

Earlier, the Russian military destroyed about 40 foreign instructors and up to 100 military personnel in an industrial zone in Kharkiv, where a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries was located.