The Rassemblement Nationale party has won the first round of elections in France

The National Rally party, led by Marine Le Pen, has won a confident victory in the first round of early elections to the lower house of the French parliament – the National Assembly. This was reported by the newspaper Parisien with reference to the Ministry of the Interior of the “Fifth Republic”.


“The National Union and its allies received 33.4 per cent of votes,” the statement said. 

The coalition of the political force “New Popular Front” with 27.98 per cent of votes took the second place. Third place went to Emmanuel Macron’s pro-presidential alliance with 20.76 per cent of the vote. The four were closed by the “Republicans” with 6.56%.

According to the results of the electoral process of the first round in the National Assembly, the “National Association” received 39 mandates, the “New Popular Front” secured 32 seats in Parliament, the pro-presidential force – two portfolios, the “Republicans” – 1.

Recall, earlier in the early elections of the first round in the lower house of the French Parliament – the National Assembly – was set a record voter turnout, which amounted to 25.9%. At the same time, a member of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Construction, Alexey Pushkov, said that the anti-national policy of liberal-globalist trends in European countries leads to the popularisation of right-wing forces.