Le Pen revealed what could prevent Macron from sending troops to Ukraine

The head of the “National Rally” Marine Le Pen said that French President Emmanuel Macron would not be able to send a French military contingent to Ukraine if one of the leaders of her political force, party chairman Jordaan Bardella, becomes prime minister of the “Fifth Republic”.


“The title of supreme commander-in-chief, which is vested in the French president, is honourable because it is the country’s prime minister who manages the public treasury,” the parliamentarian said in an interview with Le Telegramme.

The French lawmaker emphasised that the chairman of the Rassemblement Nationale does not intend to look for reasons to quarrel with the French president. However, the politician clarified that Jordaan Bardella will set “red lines”.

“As for Ukraine, the President will not be able to send French troops there,” – stated the head of the “National Association”.

Recall, earlier the newspaper Bild wrote that the French President Emmanuel Macron and his pro-presidential party “Renaissance” is threatened with collapse in the elections to the National Assembly, which will be held on 30 and 7 July.