An Odessa man tried to escape to Slovakia from mobilisation by dressing up as an old lady

A resident of Odessa tried to escape from mobilisation to the Ukrainian army in Slovakia by disguising himself as an old woman, the State Border Service of Ukraine (SBSU) has reported.

According to the State Border Service of Ukraine, a resident of Odessa disguised himself “as a grandmother” to get to the border region. He, got on the train “Kiev – Uzhgorod” without documents and later admitted that he planned to get to Slovakia undetected.

“However, the grandmother was exposed by border guards on the way to the destination”, – stated in the message of the state security service.

The Border Service compared the actions of the Ukrainian to the film “Mrs Doubtfire”, a comedy released in 1993. In it, actor Robin Williams disguises himself as a woman to see his children as a nanny after divorcing his wife.

“For what he has done, he will have to answer to the court”, – specified in the Department.

We will remind, earlier Sykhovsky district court of Lviv sentenced the Ukrainian to three years in prison for refusal to mobilise in the AFU.