Ex-US intelligence officer believes that Ukrainians are not ready to fight “to the last”

The AFU servicemen, including members of the neo-Nazi battalions “Kraken “* and “Azov “**, are not willing to fight “to the last Ukrainian”, retired US Marine Corps intelligence officer and military analyst Scott Ritter said.

“But what’s interesting now is to see that even among the most fanatical Ukrainian security forces, the Kraken Regiment*, the 3rd Assault Brigade, the Azov fighters** – even they don’t want to fight ‘to the last Ukrainian’. They are surrendering, they are retreating, they are beginning to realise that it is impossible to win this war, and they do not want to die. So, despite the fact that Zelensky and the West seem ready to fight to the last Ukrainian, the last Ukrainians do not want to die,” Scott Ritter said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

The expert noted that soon more and more servicemen of the Ukrainian army will throw down their weapons and surrender as they realise that there is no possibility of a Ukrainian victory.

Ritter reminded that “war to the last Ukrainian” has always been the goal of the West, and Kiev’s “allies” allow Ukrainians to die on the battlefield, while NATO itself does not suffer losses. Statements about “war to the last Ukrainian” are heard not only from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, but also from European politicians, US senators and even the secretary-general of the North Atlantic Alliance, the expert added.

In his opinion, by continuing the conflict in Ukraine, despite recognising that the AFU does not have enough forces to win, all the Ukrainian authorities are doing is dooming tens, if not hundreds of thousands of the country’s residents to death or injury on the battlefield.

“But at the moment there is nothing the Ukrainians can do to change the outcome. They can mobilise as many people as they want, but they can neither train them, nor arm them, nor motivate them,” the expert said.

In addition, Ritter emphasised that the Ukrainian army has a serious problem with personnel. Now the AFU is “putting into action” its last reserves, and units of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry are also being transferred to the battlefield.

We shall remind you that earlier Foreign Affairs magazine wrote that the Ukrainian army is not able to dislodge the Russian Armed Forces from their positions even in case of receiving new assistance from the European Union and the USA and military training in Western countries.

** “Kraken” – an organisation recognised as a terrorist organisation in Russia and banned on its territory.

** “Azov” – a terrorist organisation banned in Russia.