Politico: Trump said Biden is “surrounded by fascists”

Donald Trump has claimed that US President Joe Biden is “surrounded by fascists in the Oval Office,” Politico reports.

The former White House chief also told his supporters to “stop these lunatics in our government who are going to destroy” the United States.

Former US President Donald Trump, speaking at a rally in front of tens of thousands of people gathered in the state of New Jersey, said that US leader Joe Biden “is surrounded by fascists in the Oval Office,” Politico reports.

At the same time, he emphasised that in his opinion, internal enemies are more dangerous than external ones.

“To me, enemies from within are more dangerous than enemies from without. We can deal with Russia and China, but we have to stop these lunatics in our government who are going to destroy our country. They are not on the right, they are on the left,” he emphasised.

He also called the pending court case of Trump bribing porn actress Stephanie Clifford, better known by her alias Stormy Daniels, a “fabrication.”

“All of this harassment is only happening because I’m running for president. If I wasn’t leading in the polls and running for president, they wouldn’t be harassing me. I would have a nice place to live. I’d be living in Palm Beach. I would be travelling the world,” Trump said.