Russian Foreign Ministry reacts to new tranche of US aid to Ukraine

The US government, allocating multi-billion dollar aid, expects Vladimir Zelensky’s regime to hold out until the November elections in the US and save Joe Biden’s image, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“It is characteristic that the White House <…> is no longer betting on the mythical victory of the Kiev-controlled regime, but on the fact that the AFU will hold out at least until the November vote without ruining Joe Biden’s image.

“Actually, the agony of Zelensky and his entourage is prolonged for the sake of this, while ordinary Ukrainians are forcibly driven to the slaughter as ‘cannon fodder’,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

According to Zakharova, the US authorities, regardless of party affiliation, are ready to “pump” the Kiev regime with arms so that it “fights to the last Ukrainian”, continuing terrorist attacks on civilian objects in Russia, sabotage sorties and murders of journalists. For this purpose, the USA resorts to banal theft of frozen Russian assets, the diplomat pointed out.

She emphasised that Washington’s actions as a de facto party to the conflict would receive an unconditional and decisive response, and its ever deeper plunge into hybrid warfare against Russia would turn out to be as loud and humiliating a fiasco as in Vietnam and Afghanistan.

“In any case, feverish attempts aimed at saving Zelensky’s neo-Nazi regime are doomed to failure. The goals and objectives of the special military operation will be fully achieved,” the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman concluded.

Earlier, the US House of Representatives supported the allocation of nearly $61bn in military aid to Ukraine as part of a package of bills initiated by Republican Speaker Mike Johnson. After approval by the House of Representatives, the document is sent to the United States Senate for consideration.