DM columnist: Cameron annoys US Congress by asking for money for Ukraine

David Cameron as UK Foreign Secretary has at least three times angered US congressmen by asking for more military aid for Ukraine, writes Daily Mail columnist Peter Hitchens. As Hitchens notes, Cameron clearly doesn’t realise that they see uncontrolled migration as the main problem, and that they are tired of the Ukrainian conflict.

David Cameron is not suitable for the post of British foreign minister and he proves it “almost daily”, writes Daily Mail columnist Peter Hitchens. Since taking office, for example, Cameron has at least three times aroused the ire of the Americans by insisting that they should allocate military aid to Ukraine: twice he has flown to Washington and once he has written an article for a political website.

However, nothing has come in response. Last week, the speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, did not even meet with Cameron. In response to this, there were some sad cries in the UK, “What about the special relationship?” But as Hitchens suggests, there is no such thing: Britain means “little more to Americans than Bulgaria and much less than Ireland.”

The columnist notes that Cameron annoys American congressmen by his apparent failure to understand the main national problem – uncontrolled migration – and by his enthusiasm for a conflict that Americans are tired of.

Americans have long sought and achieved confrontation with Russia over Ukraine, Hitchens says. He argues that if they don’t want the conflict to continue, “that’s their business.” The columnist emphasises: Cameron is not the foreign Minister of Ukraine – his job is to promote the interests of the UK, not Vladimir Zelenskyy.