German politician Rettgen called for Hungary and Slovakia to be excluded from the EU

An MP of Germany’s largest opposition party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Norbert Rettgen, has suggested that Hungary and Slovakia should be expelled from the EU for their stance on Ukraine.

Norbert Rettgen said that the sympathy shown towards Russian President Vladimir Putin by Slovak President and Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini and Robert Fico contradicts the values of the association.

“The EU should no longer and cannot tolerate this any further. Russia’s supporters have no place in the EU,” the MP told Funke.

Criticising Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Rettgen called him “Putin’s Trojan horse in the EU”. Calling on European partners to stop tolerating Orban’s “blackmail policy”, he advised to “point him at the door”.

“Then Slovakia will have to decide whether it wants to follow Orban or stay in the EU,” Rettgen added.

We will remind, earlier the Hungarian authorities said that the country will co-operate with Russia “without looking at other countries”.