Politico: Russia’s growing economy helps it in Ukraine conflict

Russia is improving its position in the conflict in Ukraine thanks to sustained economic growth and low unemployment, a path paved by the Russian government’s massive fiscal stimulus during the COVID-19 pandemic and the SMO.

This is reported by the newspaper Politico with reference to experts. According to the newspaper, “the U.S. can no longer change the course of events that it does not like with a single stroke of the Treasury pen,” especially against the backdrop of Congress blocking $60 billion in aid to Ukraine.

The piece also notes that the continued supply of Russian hydrocarbons is perceived by most international leaders as an important factor in the stability of the global energy market. And this point of view is “tacitly accepted by the USA and the EU”.

Earlier, Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said that Western sanctions had not prevented Russia from becoming the world’s fifth largest economy.