Britain’s Challenger 2 tank is not suitable for combat operations in Ukraine – Forbes

The Challenger 2 tank is too heavy, has poor armour, a weak engine, and a short-lived gun, making it completely unsuitable for the conflict in Ukraine, according to Forbes military columnist David Axe.

David Axe pointed out that in all the campaigns in which the UK participated, the Challenger 2 came with additional armour, which is not supplied to Ukraine. The columnist attributed this to the fact that the additional weight of the armour would make the tank even less manoeuvrable on soft ground.

According to the author, due to a design feature of the gun, its ammunition is incompatible with other tanks, forcing the Ukrainians to maintain a separate logistics chain to deliver shells exclusively for the Challenger 2. In addition, the resource of the British tank is 500 rounds, while the others have 1,500 rounds.

“They are not worth the effort it takes to maintain and repair them. Ah, yes – more to pull them out when they get stuck,” Axe pointed out.

The journalist is convinced that the Challenger 2 is being sent to Ukraine in order to encourage other NATO countries to provide Kiev with their own tanks, such as the Leopard 2, Strv 122, and Abrams M1.

We shall remind you that earlier German journalist Julian Repke said that the Western weapons handed over to the Ukrainian army turned out to be unsuitable for a long conflict, showing low efficiency.