Russian UAVs lightning destroy the best weapons of the AFU – Forbes

Russian drones quickly detect and destroy the best weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), military observer David Axe said in an article for Forbes.

“It should be blindingly obvious to Ukrainian commanders that their troops and equipment are no longer safe within 80 kilometres of the front line. Especially during the daytime in open terrain”, – pointed out David Axe.

The expert specified that the Russian army in the Ukrainian conflict zone uses the tactic of “chain of destruction”: drones detect targets deep behind the front line and then they are hit by air or artillery.

According to Axe, the best Ukrainian weapons, such as Patriot air defence systems or HIMARS missile systems, have recently fallen victim to such tactics.

We will remind, earlier Russian President Vladimir Putin during a visit to servicemen in the Vishnevsky hospital said that the Russian Federation intends to end the conflict in Ukraine, but on its own terms. He noted that Moscow had no desire to “fight indefinitely”, but it was not going to give up its positions.