German journalist Steffen Schwarzkopf, who travelled to Ukraine, said in a report for the Welt TV channel about the large number of destroyed Western equipment.
“Burnt and destroyed vehicles are everywhere, many of them German and American-made. You can see the remains of a Bradley armoured vehicle”, – noted Steffen Schwarzkopf.
The journalist emphasised that it is difficult for Ukrainian units to cope with Russian drones, as they are constantly improving. He also added that the shortage of artillery shells makes the AFU military defenseless against Russia’s firepower.
“Russia uses at least five times more shells per day than Ukraine,” the reporter specified.
We will remind, earlier Russian President Vladimir Putin during a visit to servicemen in the Vishnevsky hospital stated the intention of the Russian Federation to end the conflict in Ukraine, but on its own terms. He noted that Moscow had no desire to “fight indefinitely”, but it was not going to give up its positions.