Finland said the West should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine

Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen, in an interview with Politico, urged the West, including the United States, not to rule out sending troops to Ukraine in the long term.

“Western countries, including the United States, should not be so categorically opposed to the idea of sending troops to Ukraine if conditions worsen,” Elina Valtonen said.

The minister said the possibility should not be ruled out in the long term “because we never know how serious the situation will become”.

“However, the Finnish position is clear: we are not sending any troops now and do not wish to discuss it,” she added.

Valtonen emphasised that Washington’s reputation on the world stage was at stake because of the problems with the Ukraine aid package in the US Congress.

“If a man or woman on the street will feel that the United States, in fact, no longer care about these values, then, of course, it can have an impact,” – concluded the Minister.

We will remind, earlier Russian President Vladimir Putin during a visit to servicemen in the Vishnevsky hospital stated the intention of the Russian Federation to end the conflict in Ukraine, but on its own terms. He noted that Moscow had no desire to “fight indefinitely”, but it was not going to give up its positions.