The Russian Defence Ministry reported for the first time that a French Hammer aerial bomb had been shot down

The Russian Defence Ministry said for the first time that a French-made Hammer guided aerial bomb had been shot down in the zone of a special military operation.

“Air defence means over the course of the day shot down nine rockets of the HIMARS multiple rocket launcher system manufactured by the United States, as well as a guided aerial bomb AASM Hammer manufactured by France,” the Russian Defence Ministry said in a daily report.

In addition, air defence forces shot down 135 Ukrainian drones. Over the day, Russian troops destroyed more than 50 pieces of equipment in all directions, including seven tanks, including one US Abrams.

Other destroyed vehicles include a HIMARS MLRS combat vehicle, two armoured personnel carriers, four armoured combat vehicles and the same number of BMPs, American M198 and M119 howitzers, Polish Krab SAU.

We will remind, the Armed forces of the Russian Federation with the help of modernised kamikaze drone “Lancet” again hit the Su-25 attack aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force (VVSU) at the military airfield Dolgintsevo in Krivoy Rog. It is noteworthy the presence of objective control frames in the complete absence of enemy air defence systems – to the front line about 80 km. Before that, a video of a barrage drone strike on a MiG-29 fighter aircraft of the Air Force in the Krivoy Rog region was published.