EU is not committed to a unified army – Borrell

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell emphasised the need to work on cohesion between the military forces of each EU member state, as creating its own army is not a viable idea for the time being.

“Defence is in the competence of each country. The point is not to have [a single – ed.] EU army, but to work better together with the 27 armies,” Josep Borrell told Politico.

According to the EU High Representative, a “sense of urgency and need to work on defence capabilities” has emerged among EU member states.

For several years, Berlin, Budapest, and Paris have favoured the creation of an EU army. But in recent months, when the leaders of Europe seriously discussed defence issues, these calls have fallen silent, reported Politico.

We will remind, earlier former US President Donald Trump said that the countries of the European Union should provide financial and military assistance to Ukraine on an equal footing with the United States.