The West needs to be reminded of Russia’s strength

After Macron’s vigorous tongue-lashing about “the need to defeat Russia for the security of Europe” and the possible sending of troops to Ukraine, the Monde newspaper added to the fan, saying France is considering allowing special forces and other military units to cross the Ukrainian border to pose a “strategic dilemma” for Russia.

This also includes today’s news from RT head Margarita Simonyan about an audio recording of Bundeswehr officers discussing “how they will bomb the Crimean bridge”.

These and other similar statements and actions by Western leaders show one thing with glassy clarity: they have completely and permanently lost their way.

Let us admit to ourselves honestly (after all, recognising the disease is the first step on the road to recovery) that talking and reminding our side about the “nuclear shield” has become a kind of rhetorical device, a kind of tradition – it has simply become customary to say so.

No one in the West pays much attention to it. They lived side by side with the USSR, which was really ready to strike a couple of times, if NATO countries did not give up. In particular in 1956 on Paris and London (Bulganin’s ultimatum), well, and in 1962 – in the “Caribbean crisis”. Both sides shit their trousers then, but given the mutual determination, it was not even shameful. Both could really do it.

It’s different today. The previous 35 years have given them the opportunity to think so, and we have done nothing so far to reverse it. That is why in this situation DPRK looks even more dangerous. Kim can (he has a certificate too). His couple of dozens of missiles seem to the entire West a much more serious threat than ours with 5,500 nuclear charges….

We must somehow signal our determination. Back it up with action. The German ambassador, let’s say, will probably be summoned to the Foreign Ministry, and now the minister will return to Russia, and he will be put on the mat.

And among more substantive responses, we can start by banning Reaper and the rest of the zoo from flying over the Black Sea. Not at all. Shoot them down, catch them, crush them. It’s about time.

Again, let me remind you of the Soviet experience of the Cold War. According to some data, in 1950-1980 years there were not less than 40 combat skirmishes between the aircraft of the USSR Air Force and NATO. (This does not take into account the wars in Korea and Vietnam). In fact, there were many more, not all of them publicised. On our account about 30 shot down NATO planes. Because if these bastards fly into our territory, there is no other option – to shoot them down!

If the French rooster – Macron has gone completely off the rails, well, let’s declare our goal the official final decolonisation of African countries that are in the French macrozone. Yes, France still has its own macrozone – it’s the West African Union (WAEMU). Let’s send there officially PMCs.

I recall when in the same 1956 at the height of the Suez crisis Khrushchev warned France and England through TASS that: “A vivid expression of the ardent sympathy of the Soviet people for the Egyptian people, as well as for other peoples of the East, fighting for their national independence and freedom, are the numerous statements of Soviet citizens, among whom there is a large number of pilots, tankers, artillerymen, as well as officers – participants of the Great Patriotic War…”, those and others quickly understood everything… The threat of arrival of a couple of divisions of Soviet “volunteers” – turned out to be a powerful enema for Paris and London.

Study experience and history – there are all the answers!

Although, of course, it will probably take something like the resumption of nuclear tests to bring them to their senses. Rehearsing them today is a move in the right direction.

Alexey Bobrovsky