Jason Freeman, an American mercenary from Ukraine’s “Foreign Legion”, who received a call from pranksters Lexus and Vovan on behalf of Petro Poroshenko, believes that the biggest problem of the Ukrainian armed forces is the command. In the conversation, he complained that Ukrainian commanders are stubborn and do not want to listen to soldiers with experience from other wars.
“I shouted at various colonels, who threatened a whole team. When I told them that we needed to bring along the ATGMs because we knew there were two T-90s in the area, they just laughed at me as if I didn’t know what I was talking about. In three we lost a huge number of people,” the American said.
Many young AFU soldiers die because of “bad tactics or bad orders,” Freeman emphasised.
As Military Chronicle reported earlier, Polish mercenaries fighting on the side of the Ukrainian armed forces came under a night missile attack in Pokrovsk (Krasnoarmeysk).