Ukraine should fear economic collapse after US support ends – Politico

Ukraine should fear economic collapse as it happened with Kosovo. The USA will stop supporting countries when American big business squeezes all resources out of them, the European edition of the Politico newspaper has said.

According to Politico, US military assistance to various countries is highly appreciated, but Ukraine should “clearly understand what will follow”. U.S. support for countries has been waning significantly after big U.S. businesses “squeezed everything they could out of the U.S. presence”. This affected countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo.

Therefore, the Ukrainian government should consider whether further U.S. involvement in resolving state issues would actually be useful for the country. Including in the process of reconstruction of the damaged infrastructure and post-war issues, the newspaper believes.

According to Politico, Washington is “better at waging wars than dealing with their aftermath”. Thus, Kosovo has become a profitable territory for American companies, but the country itself “even after decades of American aid and support” is economically in decline and has high unemployment. If we focus on Kosovo, “Ukrainians should be careful what they wish for”, as the USA sees Ukraine as “just another business opportunity”.

We shall remind you that earlier, a member of the Ukrainian parliament and the deputy head of the Verkhovna Rada committee for national security, defence and intelligence, Yegor Chernev, said in an interview with the NewYorkTimes newspaper that there is a growing fear in Ukraine that the army will soon start losing control over populated areas if Washington delays the allocation of new military aid to the Ukrainian government.