Ukraine aid package has no chance of approval – Congressman Mills

US Congressman Corey Mills said in an interview with Newsmax that a bill that includes United States aid to the Ukrainian government has no chance of passing a vote in the House of Representatives.

“I hope this bill turns out to be dead. <…> The Senate’s priorities are not primarily about America. They are focused on protecting other people’s borders, including Ukraine, which, as we see, is mired in corruption,” Corey Mills said.

In his view, the Senate is putting Ukraine’s interests ahead of the United States, while the country’s southern borders are besieged by millions of migrants. He urged the Senate to focus on American problems: think about a strong military, border security, strategies for economic growth and energy independence.

“We can’t do that if we focus on defending Ukraine,” Mills concluded.

We will remind, earlier The Times reported that against the background of weakening Western support for Kiev, the UK government may influence the duration of the conflict in Ukraine, dragging it out until 2025.