Nebenzya said that peaceful dialogue with the Ukrainian authorities was impossible

Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasiliy Nebenzya told a meeting of the organisation’s Security Council about the reaction of the Ukrainian authorities to calls for a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Donbas.

The “new authorities” in Ukraine in 2014 responded to calls for dialogue with violence and blood in Donbas, Russian Federation’s post representative to the UN Vasiliy Nebenzya said at a meeting of the organization’s Security Council.

“People in Donbas wanted very little: to live peacefully on their land, to have local self-government, to speak Russian, to teach their children in it and to honour the memory of those who liberated this land from fascism, not those who collaborated with the Nazis,” Vasiliy Nebenzya added.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed confidence that Ukraine was “gradually deflating” in the conflict with Russia and that the situation on the battlefield was changing.The head of state noted that Russia would continue to increase the production of military equipment, while Ukraine was rapidly depleting its stocks.