Russian aviation and air defence forces shot down 20 aircraft missiles and 53 MLRS shells and 423 UAVs during the week

The Russian Defence Ministry said that the country’s air defence and aviation systems destroyed 20 Ukrainian aircraft missiles and 423 unmanned aerial vehicles during the week.

According to the Russian Defence Ministry, the country’s aviation and air defence assets shot down 20 AFU guided missiles, 53 HIMARS shells and 423 Ukrainian UAVs over the past week.

“Aviation and air defence means for the week shot down 20 guided aircraft missiles, including four HARM anti-radar missiles, JDAM guided aerial bomb, 53 rockets of multiple launch rocket systems HIMARS, “Uragan” and “Olha”, as well as 423 unmanned aerial vehicles”, – stated in the report of the Department.

The publication specifies that in total during the special military operation the Russian Armed Forces destroyed: 7,952 artillery guns and mortars, 18,179 units of military vehicles, 14,893 tanks and armoured vehicles, 1,215 MLRS vehicles, 462 surface-to-air missile systems, 568 aircraft, 265 helicopters, 11,688 drones.

Earlier, Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the Russian army had accomplished the main task of 2023 by thwarting the Ukrainian summer-autumn counter-offensive. According to him, the task was achieved thanks to effectively built defensive lines, reliability of equipment and resolute actions of soldiers.