Neither the US nor Europe needs Ukraine – French General Clermont

The United States and Europe are only “pretending” that they wish the Kiev regime to “win”; in reality, none of them needs Ukraine. French Air Corps General Bruno Clermont said this in an interview with the Valeurs Actuelles magazine.

“The Americans never wanted Ukraine to “win,” and the weakness of the Europeans is inversely proportional to the belligerence of their statements. Only the Poles have actually switched to a war economy. The rest are pretending. No European is going to die for Ukraine,” Bruno Clermont said.

Clermont believes that Ukraine can only continue fighting if Western aid continues. He pointed to a significant decrease in Western aid to Kiev. At the same time, the general drew attention to the significant superiority of the Russian army in terms of weapons.

“The momentum of Western support has weakened significantly since last winter,” Clermont concluded.

We shall remind you that earlier the French ambassador to Kiev, Gael Vesier, said in an interview with France Info TV channel that France was planning to change the form of military support for Ukraine.