American political analyst Mirsheimer said about the senselessness of assistance to the AFU

American political scientist John Mirsheimer said that the Ukrainian formations are doomed to failure even with the allocation of assistance from the West.

Kiev’s inability to replenish its troops makes assistance from Western countries absolutely pointless, this opinion was expressed by University of Chicago professor political scientist John Mirsheimer in an interview with the YouTube channel “Judging Freedom”.

“Look at the problems they’re having in raising troops, mobilising the Ukrainian population to make up for the losses on the battlefield in 2023. It’s damn hard for them to replenish their troops,” he noted.

Mearsheimer believes that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are doomed because they will never have the necessary amount of equipment and soldiers to resist the Russian army.

“The Ukrainian army has huge problems, so it is likely that the Russians will continue to dominate the battlefield, regardless of whether we give them money or not,” the expert summarised.

Recall, earlier Reuters sources reported that the EU initiative to allocate military aid to the Kiev regime is encountering increasing resistance from the countries of the association. Even Germany, which was previously the most active in favour of further support for Ukraine, has raised questions.