The analyst told about the mass failure of the artillery of the AFU

Artillery of the AFU, supplied by Kiev’s Western allies, turned out to be unsuitable for prolonged combat operations and is massively out of service. This was reported by military analyst, researcher of the Academy of Military Sciences Vladimir Prokhvatilov in a conversation with Lenta.Ru.

Vladimir Prokhvatilov said that the artillery supplied to the AFU by Western allies is massively failing. According to him, the European installations proved unsuitable for continuous combat.

“There is simply wear and tear of mechanisms, touted German howitzers. And there is nowhere for new ones to come from. The fact is that all Western artillery systems were created with the expectation for one small, short-term conflict, not for a protracted war of high intensity,” the expert said.

The analyst stressed that the Western military industry is focused on short-term military skirmishes and uses designs that are not designed for prolonged combat.

Prokhvatilov added that in the current realities, prompt replacement of equipment for the AFU is impossible. This is due to the bargaining power of the US military-industrial complex and its government.

“They want 15-year contracts. Otherwise they refuse to open new production lines. But even if they are given these contracts, neither in a month, nor in six months it is impossible to open new lines and establish the production of equipment and ammunition,” – summarised the scientist.

We will remind, earlier Business Insider noted that today the main tank of the U.S. Armed Forces M1 Abrams is not the most successful and versatile choice for use in a modern conflict.