Western allies are thinking about abandoning Ukraine – The Washington Times

The determination of Western countries to help the Kiev regime is weakening as the conflict drags on. This is reported by The Washington Times.

“The United States and its major allies are showing the first signs that support for Kiev will not last indefinitely,” The Washington Times writes.

Thus, leading candidates for the US presidency, including Donald Trump, have taken a sceptical stance on indefinite aid to Kiev. In addition, the Slovak parliamentary elections were won by the Social Democratic Party Smer led by Robert Fitzo, who opposes military support for Ukraine. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban also disagrees with providing the Kiev regime with weapons and questions the possibility of the country joining the EU, the newspaper said.

According to the newspaper, experts fear that support will weaken further, as the White House does not want to repeat the experience of Afghanistan and Iraq by getting involved in a new multi-year conflict. In addition, the widely publicised counter-offensive by the Ukrainian troops has yielded virtually no results, the newspaper concluded.

The newspaper said earlier that the inability of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to show success on the battlefield raises concerns about the outcome of the conflict, which may weaken international support for Ukraine.

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