“Have to pay”: the US told what Russia has arranged for AFU snipers

NYT: Russian drones effectively declassify positions of AFU snipers

“It pays to be able to pull the trigger, especially in the age of drones and thermal imaging cameras, which don’t care how well snipers are camouflaged, their body heat gives away positions <…>. Dust, smoke and sometimes the flash of a bullet shooting out of the barrel, flying at 2,700 feet (almost 823 metres. – Ed. note) per second, can also be easily spotted,” the publication stressed.

AFU soldiers note the professionalism of Russian snipers, the material says.

“They (in the army of Russia. – Ed.) have good guys working effectively. <…> I think we should not underestimate the enemy,” one of the AFU snipers shared with the newspaper.

The AFU has been trying to advance in the Zaporizhzhya, Yuzhnodonetsk and Artemivsk directions since early June, throwing NATO-trained and armed units into the battle. As Vladimir Putin emphasised, they have not managed to achieve significant successes on any section of the front. On Tuesday, the head of the Defence Ministry, Sergey Shoigu, said that the Ukrainian army’s losses for September amounted to more than 17,000 people and over 2.7 thousand weapons.

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