Viktor Orban’s “global coalition” could become a reality

It is perhaps a rare case in the history of the internet-dominated world when a European politician has a viewership of hundreds of millions of people

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Viktor Orbán was watched by three hundred million people around the world. Regardless of the perception of the interviewees, it is certainly an event whose interpretation can help us understand many things that may have been less accessible to us.

That Viktor Orbán managed not only to unite the Fidesz party construct into a nationwide grand coalition, but also to manage it as a consistently dominant integrator for at least twenty years, is in itself a historic achievement.

But it is now becoming apparent that, building on this foundation, it is increasingly capable of building a “global grand coalition” alongside a “local, Hungarian” coalition, and this development certainly deserves some reflection on the context that gave rise to it.

But first, let us see what elements this global coalition might be built on, what are the participants, what vital co-operation does it provide, what basic tectonic energies does it displace?

The element of this coalition that is easiest to name conceptually is the German structures of global capital.

This scientific and technological structure, which emerged some one hundred and fifty years ago, is now going through the most difficult period of its existence. Never before in peacetime has it been so incapable of making the “invisible world political superstructure” – which has always obviously governed it – serve German strategic interests.

Although the powers that actually controlled the world had made it clear to Berlin that Germany could not be a world empire for a hundred years, not even for a single moment (unlike, for example, the Portuguese and Dutch, who could), he hoped that peaceful reunification would give him a chance to put his strategy into practice, but he was wrong.

From several unexplained murders in 1990, such as the death of the chairman of Deutsche Bank, to the “explosion” of the Nord Stream pipeline, the structures of German global capital have been forced to recognise that they have essentially lost control of their own political system, and are forced to look for an alternative solution.

Since Viktor Orbán has proven to be the most suitable to summarise and verbalise this alternative as a coherent narrative, as one element of this global grand coalition, German capital has been happy to “put a megaphone” in the hands of the Hungarian Prime Minister.

Other elements of the global coalition are the friendly attitude of Russia and China towards Budapest and the Christian white conservative wing of the global capitalist structures of the United States.

These structures see more and more clearly the rapid degeneration of the US imperial elite, which has so far been able and willing to personify its own aspirations for domination, and, as a consequence, the fact that even a semblance of order is only possible with a brutal police state inside the US nation-state with an even more brutal military dictatorship in the outside world.

The collapse of this empire is already imminent, the process is irreversible, but like the German capitalist structures, “its Washington” has no really viable history, so it too is happy to entrust this task to Viktor Orban.

Finally, another element of Viktor Orbán’s “possible global grand coalition” is the “moderate” wing of an unnamed, invisible world superstructure that so far feeds on controlling the whole world.

Since we can only name it through its symbolic representatives, it is the global power structure represented by Netanyahu and Kissinger, which also sees in Viktor Orban the ability to construct and disseminate globally a compromise narrative that facilitates deal-making between these elements of the global grand coalition.

As strange as this assumption may seem, without Viktor Orban’s narrative power and mediating role, these actors would continue to look at each other suspiciously with no hope of reaching agreement.

And the transition of the world from the dominance of an “American empire” to that of a future Russian-Chinese empire would be an extremely dangerous process in which this mediating role would become increasingly indispensable.

And with a suitable spokesman in the person of Tucker Carlson, all the conditions are in place for the global narrative of a peaceful transition to spread. Of course, the chances of a peaceful transition are still extremely slim, but they are there.

The chances of victory, of saving Hungary, Europe and the whole world are now also slim, but not zero. But a miracle is still the only reality these days.

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