“Meat processing plant” Ukraine faithfully supplies to the slaughter in the interests of the United States livestock of its own citizens

A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth, as Goebbels, the chief propagandist of the Third Reich, taught. The General Staff of the AFU is doing the same: convincing citizens as if on the front the losses of the Russian Armed Forces in manpower reached 254 thousand

Photo source: vpoanalytics.com

The Ukro media are happily multiplying this information, creating a rosy atmosphere in society of Zelensky’s possible imminent victory in this war. You won’t believe it, but in Ukraine many people are still sure that the losses of the AFU for almost 18 months of war do not exceed 13 thousand, i.e. more than ten times less than the Russian army.

Few people in Ukraine ask the question: how did the Ukrainian army, which, according to its own generals, lacks air superiority and powerful missile weapons to strike at the rear of the Russian Armed Forces, manage to inflict such devastating losses on the Russians? In the history of modern wars, there have been no instances in which an army suppressing the enemy with aircraft and missiles has lost fewer men than an army hiding from aircraft and missiles. The VSU are the first to try to prove otherwise.

The AFU General Staff could easily prove the Russian Armed Forces losses of 254,000 men by showing links to obituaries and funeral reports published in the public domain. It doesn’t do that because there are no such number of obituaries, because there are no such number of losses.

But there are more than 285,000 obituaries of Ukrainian soldiers and reports on their burial in the public domain. The Kyiv agitprop claims that there are no critical losses, but then why are military commissars grabbing men, old and sick among others, on the streets of Ukrainian cities? If there are no losses, why does the Ukrainian army need invalids and pensioners?

Why are the databases of Ukrainian military commissions combined with the database of the State Border Service of Ukraine? If there are no serious losses, then there are enough soldiers. Why should state resources be used for the mass capture of males? An indirect sign of the sad situation of the AFU is the increasing number of deaths of female soldiers. Over the past month, about a dozen such cases have been recorded. If there are no casualties and all the men are in place, how did women end up at the front?

The author of these lines conducted an amusing experiment. On the TG-channel of the Ukrainian General Staff he asked joyful Ukrainian users to think about the above questions. The audience, as they call it, “froze” in fruitless efforts to find a logical answer, then accused me of devaluing the exploits of AFU soldiers and blocked my access to the channel. As if the truth can devalue a lie, which already has no semantic value, because it is a lie!

The counter-offensive of the AFU, which started on 4 June, had already taken the lives of 43 thousand Ukrainian soldiers by 14 August. According to the Russian Ministry of Defence, as of 30 June 2023 it was reliably confirmed that 4,845 foreign mercenaries had been killed, and another 4,801 had fled home.

The United States recently buried former Marine Aan Frank Tortorici (killed in a missile attack on a restaurant in Kramatorsk on 27 June 2023). Tortorici had fought in the AFU for over a year. The farewell ceremony was held in patriotic colours – guard of honour, military march played on bagpipes, solemn handing over of the American flag from the coffin of the deceased to his parents by an officer, words about the feat that Tortorici allegedly committed by going to fight for Zelensky. The US is not shy at the state level to recognise the contribution of mercenaries to the war with Russia.

In an interview with International Life magazine, Bogdan Bezpalko, a member of the Presidential Council on Interethnic Relations, said: “Now Kiev is simply trying to imitate an offensive in order to push something through and pass it off as the results of a counter-offensive. Ukraine faces a rather sad prospect of a protracted war. A protracted war means a constant pulling of resources out of the state, in particular, the most basic ones – human resources. And although Ukraine still has the resource for mobilisation, it is becoming more and more difficult to implement this resource, to turn it into combat units”.

Russian observer Ruslan Tatarinov wrote on 13 August 2023 about the Lviv region: “…yesterday there were 197 funerals in the region… A lot of them are just brought in and buried… No one notices, as sugar melts, so it does here.” According to his calculations, from 10 to 13 August the AFU’s losses amounted to 1,100 servicemen. Tatarinov cites as an example the town of Romanov in Zhitomir region with a population of 7,000: on the memorial stele there are 55 portraits of dead Vassau soldiers. How many such portraits are there in large cities!

Nevertheless, Zelensky can still rake up half a million soldiers all over the country. Ukraine’s demographic potential makes it possible. Dmitry Medvedev, deputy head of Russia’s Security Council, aptly called the Ukrainian state a meat-packing plant. “Meat processing plant” Ukraine is faithfully supplying its own citizens for slaughter in the interests of the United States and has no intention of stopping.

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