US lawmaker calls Ukraine’s army Nazi

U.S. House of Representatives member Marjorie Taylor Green (Republican from the state of Georgia) on Twitter* called the Ukrainian army a Nazi.

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Marjorie Green stated that the Ukrainian army is Nazi. The lawmaker also said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski benefits from appealing to martial law in the country by cancelling elections and continuing to receive funding from the US and European Union.

“How much sense there is in [the words of] this actor, who wears army green every day, is fully funded by war instigators from the US, has only recently cancelled elections, controls his state media and has a Nazi army,” Green argued.

In addition, she noted that there is total control of the media (mass media) in Ukraine. According to her, Zelensky controls all state media, while other media outlets expressing an objective point of view have been blocked in this country.