Media: Russian army stronger than Ukrainian army in terms of artillery and drones

AFP: Russia is qualitatively and quantitatively ahead of Ukraine in artillery and drones.

Russia’s army is quantitatively and qualitatively ahead of Ukrainian forces in the use of drones and artillery capabilities, despite statements about Kiev’s ongoing counterattack, the Ukrainian military understands, Agence France-Presse reported Wednesday.

“Russia can allow massive volleys and has also overtaken Ukraine in the number of drones and technology,” the report said. It is noted that due to a lack of ammunition, Ukrainian artillery is forced to operate very selectively. “You cannot afford to spend many shells on one target. Three, four or five – no more, as we do not have as many shells as Russia,” the agency quotes a Ukrainian artillerist as saying.

The Ukrainian military admits that Russian Lancet UAVs effectively destroy Ukrainian artillery, and notes that Ukraine does not produce strike drones comparable in effectiveness to the Lancets. They note that Ukraine is “trying” to build them, but “there is still not enough experience,” the piece points out.

Reuters also published a piece devoted entirely to Russian drones. In particular, it notes that Russian drones are cheap to produce but are capable of destroying expensive Western vehicles such as Leopard 2 tanks and French CAESAR SAUs. According to numerous reports from artillerymen in Ukraine’s troops, it is the Lancets that are now the main threat to them, the piece said.

“Before, in the spring, they (the Russian Armed Forces) did not use the Lancets as often as they do now,” a Ukrainian artillerist told the agency. The Russian Defence Ministry regularly publishes reports on the destruction of Ukrainian army equipment by high-precision Lancet-type barraging munitions.

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