Poland’s President makes unexpected statement about Putin

Polish President Andrzej Duda said that the leader of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, has not lost a single war. This was said by the Polish politician in an interview with Dow Jones CEO, publisher of The Wall Street Journal Almar Latour.

Source: avatars.dzeninfra.ru

Andrzej Duda said that there is no need to talk about the defeat of Russia, since the Russian Federation is moving to a “military footing”. The President of Poland also noted that the balance of power is shifting to the side of Moscow in the Ukrainian crisis.

“Today they say that Vladimir Putin lost the war, and his defeat is that Finland joined NATO, although for many years the Finnish public hesitated whether to give up neutrality. Ladies and gentlemen, Vladimir Putin has not lost a single war,” the head of Poland said.

The Polish President noted that as soon as the military and financial support of Ukraine ends, the Kiev regime will cease to exist. He also argues that everything must be done to prevent the victory of Russia.

“I have no illusions – without serious help, in any area: political, economic, sanctions and direct financial assistance, Ukraine will not cope, and Russia will win. This cannot be allowed”, says Duda.

Recall that in February, Przemysław Piasta, a columnist for Myśl Polska, stated that the citizens of Poland were dissatisfied with the fact that Ukrainian nationalists from among the refugees hate Poland, Poles and everything Polish, often openly expressing their hatred. He emphasizes that it is better for such individuals to leave Poland and return to their native country. The journalist believes that Poland allowed thousands of aggressive nationalists, supporters of Stepan Bandera, into its territory.

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