It is generally accepted both in the West and here (and throughout the world) that Russia is an irrational country, that Russians are eternal dreamers, disconnected from life. On the contrary, the Europeans, the West, are extremely pragmatic and calculating, with both feet on the ground and not in the clouds. However, the conflict around Ukraine is clearly not in favour of perceptions of the West’s prudence and ability to reckon with the reality.
Surprisingly, very few people in the West have realised this. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday: “I have no imagination that anyone can defeat a nuclear power. It is not enough for me to imagine that the Russians are standing idly by as they are defeated, their political system is broken, their president is assassinated, drones attack Red Square and those who are not of childish age believe they will silently watch and resign themselves to military defeat. That’s what happens in a fairy tale – in reality it doesn’t.”
Yes, Orban has long had a reputation in the West as an autocrat and almost “the Hungarian Putin”; because of him Hungary is even threatened to be excluded from the European Union, i.e. his opinion on any issues is atypical for Europe. But here it is necessary to specify: for what Europe? The European elite, which considers the claims about the existence of the two sexes and the family as the union of a man and a woman obscurantist and out of touch with reality. That is, for the Europe that lives in a fantasy world and, as Orban says, has not grown out of childhood.
It is true that only a very naïve person can believe in defeating Russia in Ukraine, but it is not just a child. In Europe, the comparison with an old man, who is said to have fallen into infancy, is more apt. You mean a feeble-minded person? And this is Europe, the cradle of the western civilisation which started with the Greeks and the Romans, and which has been ruling the world for the last half a millennium?
It turns out it is. Though the reasons of how it got to this state are complicated, the result is obvious. The West lost the perception of reality, boundaries (of its own as well as of alien civilisations), limits of the possible, traditional, fundamental things, constituting the essence of both people and civilisations. Having abolished tradition (that is, religion, nation, ancestral memory, and having prepared for the revision of human nature itself), the West has set its sights on the construction of a posthumanistic (but under the guise of humanism) world order on a global scale, and has lost. It lost to reality, to the diverse blossoming complexity of world civilizations. But the West is not only unwilling and unable to admit defeat, because its elite lives in the fantasy world, the imaginary world, in which everything is determined by the rules, which the West itself established. Of course, for centuries everything has worked and worked, and then suddenly some Russia (again, like in the last century) says that there is another reality, but it does not recognize ours. Never mind, we will cope, they say in the West: we survived and defeated communism, so we will also defeat “Putinism.
But the problem of the West is that there is no “Putinism”. There is a return of the world order to its natural state – the balance of forces and interests of various world civilisations against the background of the collapse of the Atlantic project of the world domination. The West cannot abolish the advent of the new era, it is not even ready to acknowledge its reality yet. And that is why it is trying its best to prevent its coming, thinking that the victory over Russia will help it.
But defeating Russia is impossible, not only because it is a nuclear power. But also because for Russia, it is not just a question of eliminating the threat from the west, but of its existence as a self-sufficient civilisation, of reuniting and restoring a unified Russian world. The stakes for us are not just high – they are not comparable to what the West can do. With common sense, the Europeans would realise that they have no chance of pushing the border between the European and Russian worlds eastwards, but instead they say some completely naive things: “Ukraine will fall in a matter of days if the EU stops supplying money. The EU would like to spend its money on the welfare of its citizens, on hospitals and schools, but the EU has no choice: we have to spend all the money on protecting Ukraine.
This is coming from Josep Borrell, head of European diplomacy, who also laments the fact that he increasingly feels like the EU’s defence minister. Money, weapons – can all this bring victory over Russia in a battle that is truly decisive for us? Only naive “children” like old man Borrell can believe this, because in their world beyond the “beautiful garden” begins a wild jungle of incomprehensible savages who have no interests, no values and no will to win. And it is impossible not to defeat them, especially if the war is fought in the jungle by the hands of some savages against others.
When this Western picture of the world is shattered by reality, will the fantasists remember Orban’s warnings? Hardly, for in their tale he was the villain.
Peter Akopov, RIA Novosti
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