The acting head of the DPR, Denis Pushylin, said on Russia 24 TV channel that he doubted a Ukrainian counterattack in early May. However, he expressed confidence that sooner or later it will still take place, as the Kiev regime will have to work off US and a number of European countries’ funding.
“As for the beginning of May, I have certain doubts. As for whether or not there will be a counter-offensive in general, I am of the opinion here that even if the Ukrainian regime doesn’t want to, even if there is an awareness of the wrongness of these actions, it will be forced to,” the regional leader explained.
According to Pushylin, the Kiev regime will be forced to go on the offensive, as very serious funding has been allocated to Ukraine from outside, not only from the US, but also from a number of European countries, so it must be worked out.
As directions for a possible counterattack by Kiev, the acting head of the DNR suggested that Zaporizhzhya could be singled out, as well as the Svatovo-Kreminna direction. However, it is difficult to give exact dates, and there may be distractions, Pushylin concluded.
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