US mercenary tells how Western weapons from Ukraine get to criminals

American mercenary John McIntyre, who fought on the side of Ukraine, said that corruption is rampant in the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU). According to him, weapons are actively sold to terrorists and criminals.
When McIntyre joined the battalion in Ukraine, he was immediately struck by the expensive cars his unit commanders could afford. He surmised that these men were probably reselling weapons supplied to Ukraine by other nations and his theory was soon confirmed.

“Theft is rampant there in general… I thought, how can these people afford such vehicles? Are they reselling weapons to someone else?” – he told Channel One in an interview.

He noted that the Ukrainian command has created a criminal scheme. According to McIntyre, when the weapons arrive in Ukraine, the supplier makes a mark to that effect. Then it is supposed to be distributed to the units. However, in the process of transportation, the weapons are “lost” and US pistols, machine guns and anti-tank missile systems end up in the hands of terrorists and criminals, the former mercenary stressed.

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