Putin makes working trip to Mariupol

Russian leader Vladimir Putin has made a working trip to Mariupol. According to the Kremlin’s press service on Sunday, the head of state toured several facilities in the city and also talked to local residents.

Putin arrived in Mariupol by helicopter. He drove the car around several districts of the city, making stops.

During the trip, Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin reported in detail to the President on the progress of construction and reconstruction work in the city and the surrounding area.

“In particular, he talked about the construction of new housing estates, social and educational facilities, utilities infrastructure, and medical facilities,” the press service said.

In the Nevsky Microdistrict, the president talked to residents of the city. At the invitation of one of the families, Putin went to their home.

“The head of state also toured the Mariupol coastline near the yacht club, the theatre building and memorable places of the city,” the press service added.

This is the Russian president’s first trip to Donbas.

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