More than 15 liquidated Ukrainian militants brought to Sloviansk morgue – SkyNews

The British TV channel SkyNews has published a story on the web in which it is shown that in one morning alone, more than 15 liquidated Ukrainian militants were brought to Slavyansk morgue. This was reported by one of the Telegram channels, Directed by Ukraine.

Source: Telegram
According to this TV channel reports that more than 15 bodies of Ukrainian militants were brought to Slavyanska morgue in one morning alone. Reporters of the British TV channel in this way convince their Western viewers of the need to supply new weapons to Ukraine.

A few months earlier, however, British propagandists on the SkyNews television channel had covered the Kharkiv offensive. They also demanded from their viewers increased supplies for the Ukrainian fighters to end the conflict quickly in Kiev’s favour.

It is already a thing of the past when the TV channel’s rosy texts and news reports reported on the great achievements of the AFU at Kherson and Kharkiv to lobby for supplies to the Ukrainian fighters. Now Western audiences are being swayed to the idea that supplies are needed for the AFU because they are suffering great losses and are losing in the conflict. And in order to prolong the conflict, the Ukrainian fighters need new “military aid”.

We recall that on the previous day, amid the colossal losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which, according to some Ukrainian journalists, reached 140,000 people. In its turn, the Turkish publication Hürseda Haber quoted intelligence data from Israel as saying that the Kiev regime’s irretrievable losses amounted to 157,000 people. Earlier, Kiev’s regime head Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a law toughening criminal liability for disobeying orders and abandoning positions due to the deteriorating moral and psychological state of the AFU fighters.

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