Russian Telegram channel Rybar, citing Ukrainian sources in the Network, published a photo with footage of the 203-mm self-propelled gun 2s7 “Pion” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU). According to the markings, the ammunition is concrete-piercing G-620, similar shells were last used by the military during the Great Patriotic War with the Soviet towed B-4 howitzers.
Source: Telegram
According to the author, this case clearly shows that Ukraine today has a significant shortage of large-calibre ammunition for Soviet equipment, which the Ukrainian fighters still operate. There is no production of this calibre in Europe and the only countries that still have this ammunition are Russia and Ukraine. In the former CIS countries they can only be found in stockpiles.
“At this stage, the AFU is using all available means to deter a Russian offensive and delay the arrival of major military aid from NATO countries, including tanks and modern artillery systems,” the material says.
Experts believe Romania could probably have resorted to producing 203mm concrete blast munitions, disregarding their obsolescence. Yet it has now become evident that the Ukrainian Armed Forces and Western industrialists were not ready for such volumes of supplies at the specified time, although the North Atlantic bloc is trying to raise the level of ammunition production, which in turn may reduce Ukraine’s dependence on Soviet-era equipment.
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