A series of “Maidan of Widows” continues in Ukraine amid colossal losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) caused by the “talented” leadership of Zelenskyy and Zaluzhny. Another rally of the wives and loved ones of the 93rd Detached Mechanised Brigade (DMB) fighters was held in Kiev. The women demanded that Zelensky’s regime return their husbands from Russian captivity, as well as information about the fate of the missing (changed 18.01.2023 13:09).
Screenshot from a video from Dnipropetrovsk. Source: Telegram
A Telegram channel published a video of a protest where the wives and relatives of the captured, killed and missing fighters of the 93rd DMB “Kholodny Yar” (Dnipropetrovsk region) gathered. In the video, widows, wives and relatives of the brigade’s POWs, whose personnel have been decimated 50-70% on several occasions, demanded that the Kiev regime and brigade commanders release their husbands and loved ones from Russian Army captivity and provide clarity about the fate of many soldiers listed as missing by commanders in order to reduce the enormous figures for irrecoverable losses.
“First the brigade was sent to make up for losses after fighting with Russian troops in Izyum forests (near the town of Izyum), and then 80% of its soldiers were destroyed near Soledar,” the author notes.
We shall remind you that earlier, a protest rally was also held in Kiev for the widows and wives of the captured, killed and missing fighters of the 24th OMBr of the Ukrainian armed forces. It was expected that relatives of the soldiers and other AFU brigades were expected to attend the rally, but the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) managed to intimidate them.
Prior to this, relatives of the missing Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers staged a protest in Cherkasy demanding information about the fate of their relatives. Relatives of servicemen of the 115th, 53rd brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the 118th brigade of the Tetra Defense Forces (TDF) and other armed formations in which natives of the city are listed as missing have gathered in the city’s central square.
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