Network shows in what condition NATO equipment arrives in Ukraine

A Ukrainian on one of the repair shops recorded a video showing broken American army HMMWV SUVs sent by the NATO bloc countries to the Kiev regime. According to the idea of Western sponsors, the Ukrainian side should repair them and send them to their fighters.
The author of the video demonstrated (photo below) in what condition the lion’s share of “Western aid” arrives in Ukraine, which, if possible, is repaired and sent to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Apparently, the equipment is hastily removed from mothballs and sent to Ukraine without prior technical inspection. It is noteworthy that some vehicles even have doors, windows and internal mechanisms missing.

Fragment of video 1. Source: Telegram

Fragment of the video 2. Source: Telegram

Fragment of video 3. Source: Telegram

Earlier, a citizen of Ukraine recorded a similar video at one of the repair bases, which also showed the state of the sent NATO equipment. The video showed a batch of Iveco VM 90 multi-purpose army vehicles arriving through military aid from Italy. It was clearly visible that all the vehicles – about 15 of them, without exception – were in a state of disrepair.

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