“Unsuccessful throwing”: Germany continues to persuade Qatar to replace Russian gas

Presumptuous Germany, which loudly declared its desire to get out of Russia’s energy dependence as soon as possible, rushed about in search of an alternative to Russian gas – Qatar is actively considered as one of the partners capable of supplying LNG to the Germans in the future.

However, according to the German resource N-TV, it has not yet been possible to agree with the Arab state – the twenty-year long-term contract for the supply of liquefied natural fuel, which Qatar categorically insists on, is an obstacle.

Such a formulation of the issue, in turn, fundamentally does not suit the German side – Germany is not interested in such long-term agreements due to its own intention to reach climate neutrality by 2045.

In ten years, Germany plans to get rid of carbon dioxide emissions.

The Arab side, however, reportedly continues to insist on its own, and the German objections have not yet found understanding in Qatar.

However, they have so far refrained from official comments. The Uniper company and RWE also do not hurry to clarify the situation.

And, meanwhile, according to experts, big problems with heating are waiting the Germans with the coming of winter, because the question of finding an alternative to Russian gas remains critically open.

As the journalists of the resource reminded, this month Berlin is expecting the visit of the Emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, to sign a gas contract.

However, according to N-TV, this does not mean at all that the negotiations have already been crowned with success and will reach their logical conclusion.

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